Thursday, August 19, 2010

Election 2010

Australians will be voting in the Federal Election on August 21. Here are some facts that will help you choose who to vote for.

What Julia Gillard proposes: Labor is focusing on how they weathered the storm of the GFC (Global Financial Crisis). Labor plans to improve our hospitals and deal with climate change. Julia Gillard will say that she has learnt from Kevin Rudd's mistakes by introducing the Mining Tax. 

What Tony Abbott proposes: Tony Abbott is focusing on immigration. He says that Labor can't control our borders and only he can stop the boat loads of Asylum Seekers. His campaign also focuses on stating that the Labor party are wasteful spenders.

Who is winning: Latest polls indicate that Labor (Julia Gillard) will win the election but the Western Australian seats will be critical. 

Post your view on the Election by commenting. Or vote on my online poll on the right of screen.


  1. Im not sure how old you are but if you could vote, who would it be and why?

  2. Tony Abbott because i don't like Labor's wasteful spending
